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Travel Guides (Page 35)

Top 5 Summer Travel Tips for Seniors

Just because you are of advanced age doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the summer. Fun in the sun isn’t just reserved for the young and carefree – older generations can still go on adventures that would give most young people a run for their money. Seniors might need a little extra preparation, but once all the details are taken care of, they are ready to go. However, it is important to know... ❯❯❯

The Pros and Cons of Traveling Solo

Traveling alone can seem like a romantic prospect – even if it’s just you out there in the great wide open. Yet, these days traveling alone can have some daunting challenges, especially if you aren’t prepared. In the old days you could get on your horse and head straight for the North Star, but in a world of cybercrime and identity theft, it can be hard to feel safe anywhere that feels unfamiliar.... ❯❯❯

Tips for safe car journeys with your dog

Car journeys can be a stressful experience- for both you and your dog! However, they are often unavoidable, especially with the holiday season upon us. A long, hot car journey isn’t a lot of fun for anyone- especially for those with shaggy coats! Just like humans, some dogs travel much better than others but by following these simple tips you should be able to hit the road with confidence. ... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Traveling Like a VIP on a Budget

These days it is easier than ever to travel like a celebrity on a very limited or shoestring budget. No longer do lavish accommodations and feasts fit for kings and queens have to be relegated to, well, kings and queens. With enough savvy, anyone with any income or socioeconomic background can travel with a first class attitude. Moreover, with enough resourcefulness you can travel anywhere and... ❯❯❯

Wanderlust's Pocket Guide to Amsterdam

The city of Amsterdam is said to be one of Europe's most heavily trafficked destinations in terms of tourism, with over four million tourists flocking there yearly -- a fact which shouldn't be so surprising considering that it is actually a cradle for rich, classic and contemporary art, distinct architecture, and museums that are brimming with both aesthetic and historical value. If you have a... ❯❯❯

5 Ways to Make Traveling Abroad Easier

Traveling abroad is more stressful than any other type of travel, because there are a lot of logistics when traveling to and from different countries. For instance, you need special documentation to visit some countries, but not in others – so it is important to know what you need before you cross a certain border. Moreover, it might takes upwards of four different flights to reach your destinatio... ❯❯❯

Booking The Best Accommodation For Your Daytona Beach Vacation

Once in a while, we all deserve a break – from school, work, or simply from the bleak, regular day-to-day routine. It’s essential and is always a worthy investment because it’s a way of caring for one’s emotional and psychological health. Those busy, pressure-packed days can really get to our heads sometimes, that judgment and perspective both become clouded. So if it’s been a while since your... ❯❯❯

Noma: The Jewel In Copenhagen's Crown

The Danish capital has long been a popular destination for city breaks and, with a host of cheap flights to Copenhagen available, it’s easier than ever to get out there and experience the charms of this fabulous city for yourself. Copenhagen is full of delights, but no visit would be complete without tasting the exquisite food of Noma. Located on the waterfront, close to Copenhagen’s trendy... ❯❯❯

Ten Things to do in Tenerife

The largest and most populated of the Canary Islands, Tenerife, is one of the most popular holiday destinations in all of Europe. It is estimated that around five million tourists visit the island each year, taking in the stunning sights, beautiful beaches and tropical climate. On paper, everything about Tenerife is appealing – sun, sea, sand and sights – but what is there to do when you get... ❯❯❯

Enjoy summers in San Francisco

San Francisco has the best weather when compared to the weather in Los Angeles and New York. Sunny days can hit the city anytime during the year. During the day, summers are usually foggy. It would be great if you carry a warm, hooded jacket while you plan to visit San Francisco out in the fog. Shorts also seem to be a good idea but it can get chilly by the time the sun sets. Sometimes even... ❯❯❯

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