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Travel Guides (Page 39)

Ideal Holiday Options for Those With Mobility Problems

While the 2012 London Paralympics increased awareness and accessibility across the UK, leaving for a holiday can still be difficult for those with mobility problems. Other countries are less sensitive and have fewer accommodations and less accessibility for those with mobility difficulties. This means planning a trip can be challenging for everyone, from the elderly and those with physical... ❯❯❯

5 Romantic and Relaxing Activities for Your Next Vacation

Life can be pretty hectic. So, whenever you’re able to carve out a few days to get a bit of vacation time in, it’s definitely something to get excited about. And, it’s even more special when you can do it with the one you love. If you have a vacation coming up and you’re looking for some ideas on some romantic and relaxing activities that you and your significant other can do together, we have... ❯❯❯

Road trip preparation list

The all-American road trip is a rite of passage for everyone from just graduated students to families, and statistics show it: for the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, 83.5 million Americans drove to their destinations. The trend doesn’t show any signs of slowing anytime soon, and if you’re part of the millions who take to the interstates each year, here’s a checklist to go through before you... ❯❯❯

5 Fun Things to Do When You Visit Greenland

There isn’t much doubt that Greenland is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. However, it should be noted that the etymology of the name itself comes from the nation’s very first settler, named Erik the Red, who was exiled there from Iceland. He named the world’s largest island Greenland in the hopes that people would visit, but those who rowed up to its icy shores quickly realized that the... ❯❯❯

5 Tips to Help You Get Through Airport Security Faster

With the rising level of security threats, the wait in line to get to our gates is getting longer and longer. And with each new threat there is typically a new security measure, which is only making the line longer. It’s not the TSA’s fault – they should actually be commended for doing an outstanding job – but as travelers, we should be doing our best too. There are certain measures that should... ❯❯❯

5 Great Attractions in Iceland

Poll a dozen Americans for ideas of where to go on vacation, and you’ll probably hear a lot of the same suggestions. Party people will tell you to check out Las Vegas or Amsterdam. The cultural travelers will probably suggest New York City or London. Those that prefer natural beauty will say New Zealand’s where it’s at, while locals will lean towards Colorado or New Mexico. While all of those... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Items To Take On Your Next Trip

When you are packing, there are a few necessities you need to always remember. Leave one out and you may find your trip is not as enjoyable, stress free and relaxing as you hoped it would be. Of course you know to be sure to pack all you necessary toiletries and clothing, but there are some other things you should pack as well. Here are the top five things you need to take on your trip. 1.... ❯❯❯

Traveling: How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation

Going on a fun vacation does not have to cost you a lot of money. If you need to plan your next vacation on a budget, you should go over the following article for some useful tips.You should go over your finances and decide how much you can afford to spend on your vacation. It will be easier to plan your vacation once you have a better idea of what kind of budget you have. Start planning your... ❯❯❯

Top Europe Travel Tips

Europe is a popular holiday destination for people from around the globe. The sheer amount of culture rich history, changing scenery and proximity of one country to the next makes it a prize holiday location for people from all walks of life. Here are a number of tips designed to ensure you have the best possible time. Plan With Reason – It might seem small when you look at it on the map, but... ❯❯❯

Tips, advice and things you need to know when going on a cruise to Aruba

Aruba's official motto is 'One Happy Island' and it is certainly hard not to get swept up in the feel-good atmosphere of this most scenic of Caribbean hot spots. Even the beautiful beaches that surround the island form the shape of a smile matched only by the smile on the faces of those lucky enough to be relaxing on these pristine strips of sand. Known as something of a playground for the rich,... ❯❯❯

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