Marseille is the second largest city of France after Paris and third largest metropolitan area after Paris and Lyon. The thirty thousand year old city is famous for its trading, culture and business; its sea port is the largest in France. Marseille features in more than twenty five Hollywood movies. Marseille has many tourist destinations which attracts more than a million visitors every year.... ❯❯❯
Hotels come in many shapes and sizes from the homely to the luxury, but where do you go when you want to experience something just a little different? Be careful though when you say you want something different, just how weird are you prepared to go because if you can pay for it there is more than enough weird to go around, places that you never dreamed of sleeping and may probably never want to... ❯❯❯
Whenever you go to a new country it is understandable that you would be eager to take photos and videos of the trip. You are making memories and showing the experience that you were fortunate enough to experience first hand. Whether or not that was a good or a bad experience is irrelevant; it is the journey that we learn from. The act of capturing these moments to tell a story is photojournalism,... ❯❯❯
The beauty of the Danube River has been sung throughout the centuries. The blue Danube is the second longest river in Europe and many capital cities lay along its shores. Originating in the Black Forest, this river crawls by many countries including Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine. After the mighty river has covered some 1500 miles, it... ❯❯❯
Backpacking is an adventure that’s fun, challenging, and rewarding. It can also be strenuous and physically exhausting. There are so many details that can improve the quality of your trip, such as what to carry (and not carry) with you. Experienced backpackers have learned firsthand the things that will make their journey easier. One of the most important details of your trip is what shoes you... ❯❯❯
Most people who are looking to enjoy the nightlife that NY has to offer automatically think of music, dancing, plays or dining. It’s amazing that so many people have no clue that this wonderful city is home to quite a few awesome comedy clubs. If you are looking for the ultimate New York lounge with comedians, both known and up and coming ones, you will be disappointed because there are loads of... ❯❯❯
The best place to live in London is pretty much one of life's great unanswered questions and really does depend on what you are looking for. The search for the perfect location may be tough, long and frustrating, but here are five of the best areas, plentiful around town, for five types of people: Best place to live if... you're new Clapham. This charming South London district is a pretty good... ❯❯❯
If you love movies, and I’m sure you do, you’ll be very pleased to know that New York City is the place to be when it comes to watching movies and visiting places that were once used in some of the most famous movies ever. Even if you’re not the biggest movie fan in the world, you’re sure to be intrigued by what you find and what you see in New York City. Movie Sets And More New York City is... ❯❯❯
Where does your dream wedding take place? Is it on a tropical beach with the sun setting over the ocean, or near some ancient ruins on a beautiful Mediterranean Island? Perhaps you want to get married in front of an iconic landmark such as the Sydney Opera House or the Eiffel Tower? Having your wedding abroad can make it extra special. Some couples find that they have family living all over the... ❯❯❯
The Canary Islands are a hugely popular holiday destination for tourists from the UK, primarily because they are just about the only place in the EU where year round sunshine is pretty much guaranteed. Lanzarote enjoys thousands of British holidaymakers' every year – drawn not only by the fantastic weather and the great beach resorts, but also by the low tax shopping, and the island's amazing... ❯❯❯