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Travel Guides (Page 18)

Why everybody loves Puglia?

Why everybody loves Puglia?From Dior with his fashion show to the famous Lonely Planet, from the popstars Justin Timberlake to Madonna: For several years now, Puglia has been experiencing a state of tourist bliss, which makes it the most sought-after destination not only in summer, but also during the whole year, not only by foreigners, but also by Italians themselves. But why everybody loves Puglia? It is very simple:... ❯❯❯

Here's What to Plan (and What Not to Plan) When You're Going on a Road Trip

Here's What to Plan (and What Not to Plan) When You're Going on a Road TripThe following is adapted from Travels with Hafa. When I decided to take a three-week road trip through the Pacific Northwest with my dog Hafa, I started by planning everything. I downloaded all kinds of travel apps and bought a mobile hotspot so I could work on the move. I packed skis, a chessboard, a guitar, and I even wanted to fit in my paddleboard before I realized it just wasn’t going to... ❯❯❯

Best Adventure Destinations

Best Adventure DestinationsAdventure excursions are becoming increasingly popular among student backpackers who want to combine culture with thrill-seeking. With a vast amount of activities to choose from, here are some of the best adventure destinations that have something to offer adrenaline junkies while they travel the world; Norway Home to the Vikings, with beautiful fjords and breath-taking mountains, Norway has a... ❯❯❯

Best tourist attractions in Hungary

When we think about Hungarian trip destinations, the only one that comes to your mind is Budapest. Nevertheless, this country has much more than just a famed capital. The rich culture and historical charm that are well-preserved in the countryside, astonishing scenery, and unique architecture - you will probably be impressed by the scale of local landmarks. In this article, we represent some of... ❯❯❯

5 Essential Tips for Planning a Perfect Vacation to Dubai

From the perfect months to visit, to what to wear, and the benefits of booking a luxury private tour in Dubai, read on for the five essential tips for planning your perfect vacation to Dubai. 1. Pick the right time of year. Dubai is a fantastic destination to visit throughout the year, and you can be assured that whenever you visit, the weather will be warm. However, depending on where you are... ❯❯❯

11 Essential Items for Hiking and Camping [Checklist]

Hiking and camping are the best two options to get into and keep in touch with nature. It reduces tiredness, depression, monotony, and so on. That is why a lot of people go on a trip for hiking and camping every day. We hope you are one of them. Actually, a standard backpacking checklist is needed for everyone for this purpose. For this reason, here we will give Eleven essential items for hiking... ❯❯❯

Why Philly Is Becoming The Hottest City For Long Term Travelers To Settle Down

Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania and the sixth most extensive in the United States. The city offers a fantastic mix of hometown charm and urban life experience to its travelers as it hosts multiple activities for exploration. The city is also known as the City of Brotherly love or Philly. The town is always bubbling with a new thing to offer to its travelers who end up living... ❯❯❯

7 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Time Private Jet Flight

Flying on a private jet is a dream for many people. While it may sound unrealistic, flying on a private is still valid as the world is rapidly progressing, and the economy is growing. Whatever seemed unaffordable is getting into the reach of many dreamers. In Chicago, private jets have now become widely popular and are very affordable. If you are planning to fly on a private jet for the first... ❯❯❯

Top 7 Tips to Prep for Your first Snowboarding Vacation

Top 7 Tips to Prep for Your first Snowboarding VacationUnlike skiing, snowboarding is relatively a newcomer. To put this in perspective skiing is a senior high student and snowboarding is a junior high one.  Even though snowboards (prototype ones) were introduced way back in1920s, they only gained popularity in the ’80s, and subsequently became an Olympic sport in the late 90s.  Following that, the popularity of snowboarding skyrocketed and became... ❯❯❯

How Traveling Can Help Students in Their Career

How Traveling Can Help Students in Their CareerAt high school or college, you may have plenty of opportunities to travel, work or study abroad. Many schools and universities offer various student exchange programs, scholarships or special benefits for brilliant minds. And although traveling is a unique experience for any age, the earlier you learn the lessons it teaches the better.  At a young age, you are discovering yourself, your desires,... ❯❯❯

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